Finding a Social Security Number: A Guide For 2022

From time to time, it might be necessary for you to find someone’s social security number. This could be for litigation purposes or to recover a debt from someone a judgment was awarded against...

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2022 License Plate Lookup Guide

  License Plate Lookups to Find Owner: 6 Must-Knows For 2022 From time to time, you might want to order a license plate search to find out more about someone. Now, this could be for several reasons...

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3 BIG Benefits of a Docusearch Background Check

From time to time, it might be necessary to for you to do a background search or check on a specific person. Now, this could be for a variety of reasons like when you want to hire a new employee or...

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7 Benefits of a Docusearch Hidden Asset Search

Did you know that about 20% of people in the US hide assets from their spouses? And it’s not only spouses, as it happens in business too, where, for example, one partner hides assets or money from...

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Bank Account Search: 7 Must-Knows Before You Search in 2024

1. Who Should Search For Hidden Bank And/Or Brokerage Accounts? Anyone contemplating a divorce, attempting to collect a judgment, contesting a will or requesting a child support modification should...

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How To Find A Social Security Number Online: 2022 Edition

1. Are Social Security Numbers Considered Public Records? Though used for a variety of purposes, Social Security Numbers ARE NOT public records, as they allow access to many sensitive documents and...

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Find Vehicle Owner by License Plate: 6 Must-Knows For 2021

1. Finding the owner of a vehicle by license plate number Only law enforcement and licensed investigators have access to the DMV and can legally perform a license plate search. So how can someone...

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Best Background Checks: An Experts Guide For 2021

1. Are There Different Types Of Background Checks? Though there are common attributes for all, background checks are generally geared toward a specific application or purpose, such as Employee...

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Find Criminal Records Online: State Resource Articles

Accurate up-to-date criminal records are hard to find, especially online. Click on the desired state below to view an article specific to the state you want to search for criminal records...

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Is it Legal to Run a License Plate? (The answer may surprise you!)

Prominently displayed as a Google featured snippet, the informational website, asserts that “it is illegal to run a license plate…regardless of circumstances…and only a...

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Finding Current Place of Employment: A Critical Tool for Wage Garnishment

Does someone owe you debt? Have the repayments owed to you been defaulted? In this detailed passage learn what a wage garnishment is, its different types, and what necessary tools are required to...

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Finding SSN's -- Completely Legal for Attorney Clients

If you're like most people, you keep a pretty tight leash on your Social Security number. After all, those nine digits are prime information for identity thieves. But sometimes,...

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Finding Bank Accounts & Hidden Assets In A Divorce

The next time you sit down to lunch with nine of your friends, take a look around. Odds are that four or five of you are going to wind up getting divorced. Even worse, that divorce...

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Employee Background Check: The Successful Screening

Don’t hire “That Guy.” You know, “That Guy” who you trusted and thought didn’t need an employee background check. “That Guy” will end up costing your company money and haunt your...

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How To Search Property Records Online

Maybe you're trying to find out if your ex is hiding assets from you. Or, maybe you want to know how much that potential business partner is really worth. Or, maybe you're thinking about suing...

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Bank Account Search:
Reasons Why You Need to Find Hidden Assets

It may sound like something out of a spy movie, but finding hidden assets and looking for hidden bank accounts is a big part of real life, too.  Even if they're not doing it for any kind of...

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Lawsuit Search: How to Search Civil Court Records

At last count, there were more than 15 million lawsuits filed in the U.S. every single year. That comes out to a new lawsuit every two seconds! While some of these cases have merit, many of them are...

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How to Find People Online

If you're trying to track down your ex because he owes you a fortune in child support, you know how hard it can be to locate a person who doesn't want to be found!  But just because this person...

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How to Reverse a Phone Number

There's no doubt that caller ID has changed the world.  After all, when's the last time you got one of those, Is your refrigerator running prank calls?  Unfortunately, though, there are...

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How to Find Someones Place of Employment

If you need to verify where someone is employed, you're probably not too happy about it.  After all, employment checks are usually done after something has gone wrong -- like...

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