$ 69.00 per search
Quantity:Find Land Line Phone Number
Find the land-based phone number that corresponds to a particular street address.
Lookup Phone Number by Address
Do you need to find the phone number that corresponds with a particular address? This search returns a land-based phone number associated with the street address provided. While many other investigative search websites provide inaccurate results from outdated databases, Docusearch is hand researched by actual investigators providing guaranteed and accurate information.
Will this search provide “instant” results?
Unfortunately there is no such thing as an “instant” land line number search when only an address is known. While other websites may claim they provide “instant” results, they really are providing outdated or irrelevant information collected from online databases – basically similar to an engine search. Each of our searches are hand researched by the investigator assigned to your order. The information collected – which only licensed private investigators have access to – is guaranteed to be accurate.
Important: There is a $35.00 research fee charged for all requests returning a no-hit, including an invalid address or no current service at provided address.
- Name and land-based phone number associated with a known street address
- Subject's complete physical street address
Find Land Line Phone Number Rated 4.84 out of 5 based on 13 ratings and 13 customer reviews.The reviews provided below were submitted by actual Docusearch clients who have purchased this search and have expressed their opinion.
Find Land Line Phone Number Reviews:
“find Telephone number”
Very satisfied with the service I am a private detective and the service is excellent
“Very accurate!”
I recommended this site hundred percent if you want to make a good investigation.
Not really what I was expecting, but the VIOP is always sketchy anyway.
I was hesitant to pay a little more but figured if I was gonna do it, it's best to not be in vain. Worked perfectly and very pleased!
“Reverse Cell Phone”
I had been looking for the name of this person continually texting my wife and in less than 24 hours I had the name and address for this person.
Posted by Docusearch on March 25th, 2010
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