$ 35.00 per search
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Statewide Property By Name
Search county assessor records for property in your subject's name.
Statewide Property By Name will return up to ten residential property records, as reported by the county assessor’s office. Items in this detail may include the owners name, street address, legal description, assessed value, lot size, dwelling size, and more. This search will not return records for commercial, industrial property or apartment buildings.
Property ownership records for specified name & state
What's Needed:
Subject's full name & state to search
Helpful: city to search for common names

Statewide Property By Name Rated 4.85 out of 5 based on 7 ratings and 7 customer reviews.The reviews provided below were submitted by actual Docusearch clients who have purchased this search and have expressed their opinion.
Statewide Property By Name Reviews:
“Always accurate. Always fast.”
Always accurate. Always fast. Very pleased.
“Great Results”
Thanks for the information. It was very timely
“Great Service”
I was pleasantly suprised by just how easy it was to do a civil court records search. I recieved my results in a prompt and timely manner, and I found the customer service to be excellent.
“Results Came Back Fast!”
I was very impressed with how quickly the results came back for my civil court record search. Not to mention this is the only investigation company I found with a satisfaction guarantee.
“This site is great”
I was having difficulties finding the information on other websites. Docusearch found my information right away and saved me a significant amount of time. I'm glad I used their private investigators for this one.
Statewide Property By Name Rated 4.85 out of 5 based on 7 ratings and 7 customer reviews.
Posted by Docusearch on January 8th, 2025
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Posted by Docusearch on January 8th, 2025
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