Tennessee License Plate Lookup

Get name, address of registered owner.


Tennessee License Plate Lookup Rated 4.97 out of 5 based on 304 ratings and 304 customer reviews.

The reviews provided below were submitted by actual Docusearch clients who have purchased this search and have expressed their opinion.

Tennessee License Plate Lookup Reviews:


Reviewed 07-11-2024 20:14:58, by Shilal   5/5 Stars
Fast and accurate

“Address search”

Reviewed 10-22-2020 15:16:31, by Chuck   5/5 Stars
I received my results in one day and they were totally accurate. No other web site has this service.

“Excellent service”

Reviewed 09-22-2020 14:30:40, by ethanburns   5/5 Stars
Extremely fast and accurate results, thank you so much!

“Fast results”

Reviewed 05-19-2020 21:46:35, by Al   5/5 Stars
Speedy accurate results

“Plate Search”

Reviewed 04-01-2020 02:57:36, by BelovedI   5/5 Stars
Right On The Info👍

Tennessee License Plate Lookup Rated 4.97 out of 5 based on 304 ratings and 304 customer reviews.

Tennessee License Plate Lookup — 6 Things to Keep in Mind

Getting the inside scoop on that Tennessee license plate isn’t quite as easy as logging onto the web and typing in the number on the first website you see. If you want to get genuine, current information, there are 6 things that you need to keep in mind:

1. Only certain people have access to the official records

The Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles is responsible for keeping and maintaining accurate records for every license plate in the state, so if you need information, you’ve got to go through them. The only problem? They won’t let a “regular person” like you look at their records!

Only members of law enforcement and people with a private investigator’s license are given access to these official records, so if you want the real story right from the horse’s mouth, you’ll need to find a Tennessee license plate search service that’s run by licensed investigators.

2. Private databases are usually worthless

There are plenty of Tennessee license plate lookup websites out there that can’t access the official state records. (In fact, MOST of the websites you see don’t have access to the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles records!) So, they take whatever information they can get and use it to create their very own database. Unfortunately, the best information they can usually get is records that are several years old — meaning there’s no guarantee that the information is accurate anymore. If you’re thinking of doing business with one of these websites, beware!

Tennessee License Plate Search

3. Instant results aren’t all they’re cracked up to be

If you’re dying to get the back story on a specific license plate, you’ll probably be thrilled to see a Tennessee license plate search website that gives out instant results! However, these results have a bad habit of being completely inaccurate.


These results are the byproduct of those private databases we just talked about and automated software. When you type a license plate number into one of these websites, the software combs through the site’s database and spits out whatever information it can find. But like we just discussed, those databases are usually full of old data. Adding to the problem, no one’s supervising the search, so if the software makes a mistake, no one is around to catch it!

4. Those cheap prices aren’t always so cheap

The vast majority of Tennessee license plate lookup websites out there promise to give you very cheap (or even free!) searches. However, what they fail to mention is that those prices ONLY apply to the search itself. You’ll pay a tiny amount to physically type the license plate number into the search box, but when you want to actually see the results, you’ll have to fork over more money. Some websites will even force you to sign up for a subscription before you’re allowed to see your search results. In either event, you wind up spending way more money than you planned on — and way more than the website made it seem like you would spend!

Tennessee License Plate Lookup

5. There are places that only charge a one-time fee

If you want to avoid the pricey problems we just talked about, you have to look for a website that specifically says that it charges a one-time fee for each of its Tennessee license plate searches. For example, here at Docusearch, you’ll pay us $41 upfront for your search, and that money will cover everything we have to do — from getting access to the official records, to providing you with the search results.

6. There’s plenty of information out there

Unless you know exactly what to expect from your Tennessee license plate lookup, you’ll never know if you’re getting a good one or not! If you hire a licensed investigator who can access the official records, you’ll end up with:

– The name of the license plate’s registered owner

– The registered owner’s address

– The license plate’s expiration date

– Specific details about the vehicle that’s registered to the license plate (including the make, model, model year, and VIN number)

– Specific details about any lien holders that are associated with the vehicle

Bottom line — if someone tells you there isn’t a whole lot of data on that license plate, they’re not being honest with you!

If you’re looking for a team that will make your Tennessee License Plate Search quick and easy, look no further than the team of licensed investigators at Docusearch.

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