Louisiana License Plate Lookup

Direct from the Louisiana DMV, fast, accurate results!


Louisiana License Plate Lookup Rated 4.97 out of 5 based on 304 ratings and 304 customer reviews.

The reviews provided below were submitted by actual Docusearch clients who have purchased this search and have expressed their opinion.

Louisiana License Plate Lookup Reviews:


Reviewed 07-11-2024 20:14:58, by Shilal   5/5 Stars
Fast and accurate

“Address search”

Reviewed 10-22-2020 15:16:31, by Chuck   5/5 Stars
I received my results in one day and they were totally accurate. No other web site has this service.

“Excellent service”

Reviewed 09-22-2020 14:30:40, by ethanburns   5/5 Stars
Extremely fast and accurate results, thank you so much!

“Fast results”

Reviewed 05-19-2020 21:46:35, by Al   5/5 Stars
Speedy accurate results

“Plate Search”

Reviewed 04-01-2020 02:57:36, by BelovedI   5/5 Stars
Right On The Info👍

Louisiana License Plate Lookup Rated 4.97 out of 5 based on 304 ratings and 304 customer reviews.

What’s the Best Way to do a Louisiana License Plate Lookup?

If you’ve been trying to get the back story on that Louisiana license plate number you jotted down, you’ve probably noticed that there are a ton of search options out there. But which one will give you the best information?

There’s an easy answer to that question — the service that’s run by licensed private investigators!

All of the information surrounding license plates in the Pelican State is housed at the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles, so if you’re looking for current, accurate answers, your search has got to go through them. Unfortunately, though, they don’t let too many people look at their records.

Why not?

Because they’ve got some sensitive information in there! Specifically, a legitimate Louisiana license plate search will tell you:

– Who the registered owner of the license plate is

– Where the registered owner lives

– When the license plate is going to expire

– Specific details about the vehicle that’s registered to the license plate (including the make, model, model year, and VIN number)

– Specific details about any lien holders that are associated with the vehicle

Since these details could turn downright dangerous if they fell into the wrong hands, the Louisiana Office of Motor Vehicles will only let two groups of people look at them — members of law enforcement and people who have a private investigator’s license. So, if the Louisiana license plate lookup service you’re thinking of hiring isn’t run by people in one of these two groups, they won’t be able to provide you with this information!

What will they give you instead?

Most of those random license plate lookup websites get their hands on records that are several years old. Unfortunately, any — or all — of the details could have changed since then. If you rely on old information, there’s a good chance the search results you’ve paid for will be completely useless!

Louisiana License Plate Lookup

So, how SHOULD the search process work?

Here at Docusearch, every time we get a request for a Louisiana license plate search, our investigators ask for permission to access the state’s official records. Once we get it, we can take a look at everything and pull out all of the information that applies to that specific license plate number. After that, we send you everything we found. That’s a big difference from those random websites that rely on automated software instead of actual people doing the work!

In fact, that’s how those random websites are able to give you instant results. They have automated tools in place that can search through their own private databases — instead of the official state records — and then spit out some information in a couple of seconds.

There are a couple of problems with this process, though. First and foremost, these websites aren’t accessing the state’s records, so there’s no guarantee that the information they give you is going to be accurate or current. Second, there are no people supervising the work. For all you know, the automated software missed a chunk of information, or accidentally gave you information that belongs to another license plate! When you rely on one of these automated Louisiana license plate search services, you’re always going to wonder “what if?”

Obviously, our investigators can’t do all of the work we talked about in a couple of seconds. However, that doesn’t mean you have to wait a long time to get your results. Here at Docusearch, we can actually get your entire Louisiana license plate lookup done within one business day or less.

Louisiana License Plate Search

But can you really afford to have people do this work by hand?


That’s because legitimate investigators (like the ones here at Docusearch) only charge a one-time fee for all of this work. The words “one-time fee” are very important, because most of those random websites don’t use them. Instead, they advertise cheap searches — but what they don’t tell you is that the price ONLY applies to the search itself. Once it’s time to actually see the results, you have to pay more. And, in some cases, you’re even forced to sign up for a pricey subscription before you’re allowed to see the results of your Louisiana license plate lookup. By the time all is said and done, getting that information wasn’t cheap at all!

Here at Docusearch, we only charge $41 for each Louisiana license plate lookup. And, if you provide valid information and we can’t find the information you need, we’ll return your money. It just makes more sense to do it that way!

Bottom line — if you want real results without any hidden fees, you’ve got to work with Docusearch!

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