Important Advice for Your Minnesota Criminal Records Search

Minnesota Criminal Records SearchUnfortunately, doing a successful Minnesota criminal records search isn’t as easy as clicking on the first link you see pop up in Google. There are too many services out there that are more concerned with making a quick buck than they are providing you with legitimate information.

So, how do you make sure that your search turns up results that are current and, more importantly, accurate?

By turning the work over to a licensed private investigator.

A licensed private investigator has access to resources and information that most people don’t. In fact, their license entitles them to look at things that are normally just reserved for law enforcement officers! That means you’ll be able to get details from your investigator that you’d never be able to get anywhere else.

But what about all of those websites that promise instant results? Don’t they offer up good information?

In most cases, no.

Minnesota Criminal Court Records

That’s because those websites aren’t run by licensed private investigators — or even anyone with any kind of investigative expertise. Instead, those websites are merely data aggregators. They buy whatever public records they can and then upload them onto their server so that their website can automatically spit them out when prompted. Not only is this information inferior to what a licensed private investigator can access, it’s also usually several years out of date!

Those data aggregators don’t have the credentials to give you the most recent data. And, everything on the website is done automatically, there’s no chance for an experienced human to double-check the results before they’re passed onto you. For all you know, you just received criminal records that belong to someone with a similar name or birthday to your person in question!

The good investigators don’t work like that. In addition to accessing details that you’ll never find on those data aggregator websites, private investigators do all of their work by hand. Not only does that enable them to be more thorough, but it also gives them a chance to eliminate any false positives that might pop up along the way.

So, what exactly will your investigator look at?

In order to do a legitimate Minnesota criminal records search, he’ll need to dig through:

– Records that are kept and maintained by the Minnesota Department of Corrections, including felony conviction details, sentencing details, and prison release dates.

– Conviction records from Minnesota’s Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, which include aliases, alternate dates of birth that a felon may be using, and other identity flags. These records also contain information about crimes committed, court dispositions, and sentencing details for more than 1.6 million offenders.

– Administrative records from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, which list everyone convicted of a felony in the state, along with details about their jail time served, parole, probation, and suspended sentences.

– Records in the Minnesota Sex Offender Registry, including details about Level Three Offenders — which are considered by the state to be at the highest risk for re-offending.

– Records related to certain traffic offenses.

All of these state databases are updated every few weeks, so it’s vital that you get access to the very latest information through your licensed private investigator. Otherwise, your Minnesota criminal search could tell you that someone has a clean record when they really don’t!

Minnesota Criminal Search

Now that you see everything that goes into a comprehensive Minnesota criminal court records search, it’s easy to see why those instant, automatic results aren’t trustworthy. Luckily, though, it won’t take a good investigator long to do this search for you. In fact, here at Docusearch one of our licensed private investigators can do your search by hand and get the results to you in one business day.

How much will it cost you to have a licensed private investigator do all of this work for you?

Less than you might think!

The reputable investigators make it easy — they charge an affordable one-time fee for each search. And, of course, they don’t hit you with any surprise charges or hidden fees later.

Unfortunately, though, those data aggregator websites don’t operate the same way. Most of them promise very cheap — or even free — searches. However, this is a classic example of something being too good to be true! Sure, it’s free to physically type someone’s name into the search box, but when you actually want to see the search results, you’ll have to pay. You could even be forced into a pricey subscription service just to see the results of a single Minnesota criminal records search!

Don’t leave something as important as a Minnesota criminal records search in the hands of people you can’t trust. Instead, get results you can count on from the team at Docusearch!

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